On a lighter note today, I wanted to share with you a story I read in the Los Angeles Times on Monday. I don't know if you are a baseball fan (I'm a huge Seattle Mariners fan), but if you are, you might enjoy this bit of trivia.
Seattle Mariners Manager John McLaren ran "American Idol" segments during team meetings last week, where players were selected to sing or tell a joke. For those who didn't want to participate, they were encouraged to "offer McLaren a bribe".
What was the bribe? Golf balls! Ha ha... Apparently McLaren loves golf and given his idea of a bribe, I would guess that he has a game that requires the constant input of new balls on a regular basis. I'd like to follow him in a round one day and just look for his lost balls - the only balls he will accept as currency are Titleist Pro V1s or Pro V1X or Nike One platinums.
He pushed his "incentive" program even further at batting practice. During bunting drills players could earn a day off by hitting the ball into one of two circles. They had 30 turns at bat and had to hit the circle six times. If they failed, they had to buy McLaren a sleeve of golf balls.
Only Raul Ibanez and my fave player (Ichiro Suzuki, who I enjoyed watching play golf last year at my local course) didn't have to go ball shopping. Just take a look at their active roster...that's a lot of balls!
I found this all very funny. I am going to the Seattle Mariners Opening Game at the end of March (I go every year to get the fridge magnet :)) and would love it if Titleist or Nike would provide everyone at the game, sponge versions of their golf balls so fans could throw them on the field when a player strikes out. Nike is already involved with the Mariners and Ichiro, so wouldn't that be a great promotional idea for both the team and the ball manufacturer?
Just a thought...
Golfgal, the baseball swing and golf swing are IDENTICAL in many ways!! Ben Hogan's coach of 20 years starting in 1945 (Sam Byrd) played for the Yankees for 9 seasons before playing on the PGA Tour. When you come to see the M's you should visit me at Bellevue Golf Course it is 15 minutes away.
I have a pictures of Ichiro, Kite, Woods, Mattingly and Sorenstam in the exact same positions in there respective sports. Steve Wozeniak PGA Director of Instruction Bellevue/Lake Spanaway Golf Courses
Posted by: stevewozeniak | March 03, 2008 at 11:12 PM
Hey Steve. Thanks for the comment and invitation. I won't be able to drop by at the opener for the Mariners due to work commitments, but I will try and get down your way when I'm back for a game in the summer. Look forward to meeting you.
BTW...checked out your blog. Good stuff!
Posted by: golfgal | March 09, 2008 at 02:20 PM