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March 03, 2008


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Golfgal, the baseball swing and golf swing are IDENTICAL in many ways!! Ben Hogan's coach of 20 years starting in 1945 (Sam Byrd) played for the Yankees for 9 seasons before playing on the PGA Tour. When you come to see the M's you should visit me at Bellevue Golf Course it is 15 minutes away.
I have a pictures of Ichiro, Kite, Woods, Mattingly and Sorenstam in the exact same positions in there respective sports. Steve Wozeniak PGA Director of Instruction Bellevue/Lake Spanaway Golf Courses


Hey Steve. Thanks for the comment and invitation. I won't be able to drop by at the opener for the Mariners due to work commitments, but I will try and get down your way when I'm back for a game in the summer. Look forward to meeting you.

BTW...checked out your blog. Good stuff!

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