Last week we were left a little high and dry without an elimination on the Big Break Ka'anapali, but not this week.
Now don't get me wrong...I don't wish anyone back luck, but I did expect to see someone go home and when it didn't happen, I felt like I was watching the last episode of a major TV show with a "continued next week" at the end. Having to wait a whole week to find out who would be the first to go home would have been really tough if I hadn't been enjoying 5 days of 90 degree golf in Vegas. Fun fun fun! When you live in Canada and it's April, and you're itching to play in something other than a ski jacket, basking in 90 degree weather and watching your balls fly 20 yards longer than they do at home is pure heaven.
Anyway, although not everyone on the Golf Forums out there is enamored with BB Ka'anapali, I have to admit, I can't wait to get home on Tuesdays to watch it.
This week was a good show and finally someone went home. If you didn't watch the show, you wouldn't be surprised to hear that the barefoot "Iron Warrior", Cirbie Sheppard was eliminated this week. But you'd probably be surprised to learn how close she came to beating out the much more experienced, Tina Miller (who has won 7 tournaments in college and played in two US Women's Open Championships ('04 and '05) and two LPGA events (the 2005 Wendy's Championship for Children and the 2007 Corning Classic) on sponsor's invites.)
Let's hear what Christina Lecuyer thought of this week's show (sorry Christina, I know you're a bit shy, but I couldn't resist this great pool shot :))...
First impressions of last night's show?
I thought it was a lot better than the last show.
That was a pretty cool immunity challenge playing blind shots like that.
It was. You know, I had no idea that my ball went off the green by that little because we didn't get to see our second shot. So I was kind of disappointed because I hit two really good shots and didn't win, but I was also happy because I was really trying to hit good shots this time because last show I didn't hit many good shots.
After hitting such good shots, you must have been disappointed when Lori not only got immunity, but then the $5K check in the bonus round that could have been yours.
Yeah, it was tough to choke down that due to the fact that I hit some good shots. I didn't even get a chance to swing at it for $5,000 so that was pretty disappointing sitting there, knowing I couldn't compete. I am sure my mouth just dropped down to the ground when we all first heard about the $5,000 bonus.
You said after Lori won the $5K you were happy for her, but that after 2 good shots you weren't sure how you'd feel that night. How did you really feel?
At the time she and I were getting along pretty well and so I said, "Okay, sounds good - good job, let's move on" At that time I was also hoping there would be more opportunities like that ahead. So I just said to myself, "Let's get safe today and hope for another opportunity tomorrow."
Liz seems to be very desperate - much more than the others. She's said many times how much she needs this.
I know Liz pretty well and it is actually quite sad because out of all the people on the show she needs the money more than any of us. You know, she lives on food stamps sometimes and can't fly into some events. She'll play an event and then have to take a month off to work. So she really needs the money.
That makes a lot of sense and now I understand why she said about Sophie, "I hope she gets 2 zeros.", while Sophie just said Liz was great.
Absolutely, and I was actually glad someone else said what they really think. Even Susan, who in the early Big Break commercials, made some comment about my "I hope she chokes" said, "Hey if it's your competitor, of course you don't want them to do well." So at the beginning I looked bad, but now everyone else is saying, "Hey this is a competition and I'm here to win." If you're not here to win, why are you here? I think finally everyone is starting to figure that out.
In fact, I was just in a meeting with Kathy Whitworth - all time great LPGA Hall of Famer and she just said, "If you're not here to win, why do you play?"
Stina said that you have "a lot of guts." She seems quite impressed with you. What did you think when heard that last night?
I liked that complement. In fact, both Stina and Andrew said that I like to take risks. In another interview I had, I was asked if I always take those kinds of risks. And you know... after hearing these comments, I think on that show I took more risks than I do in a normal golf event.
Lately I haven't been playing very well and and now I'm thinking I've been playing too tentatively. On the show I played like I did in college. In college, I wasn't afraid of anyone and I went out every week and said to my boyfriend, "I'm going to win." And now I see all these players on the tour and feel intimidated and so I play it safe. But now I'm thinking I have to start to play the way I know I can play and believe I can beat everyone, and when I do that, I know I'll do a lot better.
First we saw Cirbie playing in bare feet and now we see Adrienne hitting shots off her knees on the range? Does she always practice like that?
<laugh> No...that was just a fun thing they taped. We were goofing around on the range and we were all still getting along, so she was just having some fun.
In your words from the show, the elimination challenge was a combination of "Holy Moly" and "Holy Mother of Pearl". Ha ha...sounds like you and everyone else were pretty shocked during that challenge.
<big laugh> My boyfriend's mother told me not to swear on the show because all her friends would be watching and so I text messaged her and said, "See...I'm 3 shows down...noooo swearing!"
Was it really that Cirbie played better than normal or was Tina off her game. Is Tina typically that reckless off the tee? Is she really that inconsistent? Being in two eliminations, you have to start to wonder.
You know I was talking to one of my girlfriends, Kelly, who said that she knew Tina as an unbelievable player. I didn't know Tina, but from what I saw, I didn't see her as any type of threat. But now looking at her bio and her record - how good she was in college and she's played in a couple of Opens, I'm wondering...this girl could barely beat Cirbie who can't even hit her own shadow!
However I was impressed in the end. My boyfriend thought I was being sarcastic when I said, "Good job Cirbie", but I really wasn't. She really hacked it out to stay in the game with Tina that long. I felt really badly for her. They didn't show it, but she was crying and she was so nervous she could barely hold the club. So we were all feeling really sorry for her. But we also all knew she'd be the first one eliminated. Tina really didn't put up a fight.
What do you think Cirbie's handicap is?
I have no idea, but it's not very good. To be honest I understand from a TV perspective why they would pick her, but she had no chance. I don't understand the reasoning, but it's hard to advertise her as one of the top 12 women in golf when it's obvious she really can't play golf.
We heard you say on camera, "I'd hate to play a round of golf with her [Cirbie]."
Oh my, it was horrendous. It was like, "Come On!!!" She took literally 5 minutes on 1 putt. Unbelievable.
Was she doing that to rattle Tina or was she just being clueless and shoeless?
I don't think she knew what she was doing - she wasn't thinking about anything at that point.
Stina said that Cirbie was "on the clock" - was that really true - did they say something to her?
Yes, they took her aside and said they were giving her 1 minute per shot. So, we knew she wouldn't do very well in the playoff because they rushed her. To be honest, if she had had 5 minutes per shot, she may have taken it to another hole <laugh>
Cirbie's outfit in the confessional showed off her cleavage a bit more than anyone else's. Was this because she was leaving the show and wanted to leave an "impression"? She's got some fans on GolfWRX - guys who think she's hot - someone compared her to Rosanne Barr.
She definitely has a lot of fans. You know, she's a really good girl and people may see her on the show and think she is an idiot, but she's a really nice girl who keeps in touch and has a positive attitude. She's engaged to an unbelievable rock star - hard core metal type - and she's really liked in that circle. Yea, she's a really good girl, but she just can't play golf - it's that simple.
Tina's first 3 putt where she flew it past the hole was shocking for someone with her experience. Were the greens that tough?
A 15 foot 3 putt - that's adrenalin and "Oh my gosh, I don't want to be beat by someone who can't play golf." You know, its so different than anyone could ever imagine out there. There's so much pressure, so it was just nerves I think. But yes, the greens were fast.
What did you think when you watched the "confessionals" of the other ladies? Any surprises?
I was happy to finally hear Susan and Liz say that they were here to win. It's true. Everyone is saying it in confessional and in interviews, but I was the only one saying right out there on the course. I'm not going to say anything mean about anyone and I'm not going to do anything to hurt anyone, but I will admit thousands of times, "You're here to win and if you say you're not, you're lying."
Thanks Christina!
Well, one down...ten more to go. If I were to pick the next contestant to be eliminated, the obvious choice would be Susan who isn't really in the same league as the others. But she's stayed out of elimination so far and maybe she'll be the lucky one again next week. It wouldn't surprise me - actually nothing really would in this "Holy Moly" series.
Received this comment from Cirbie on the post...
Loved the interview with Christina, yet there were some things that I HIGHLY do NOT agree with. Just to clarify My Golf Game to the viewers:
There's a lot of negativity surrounding how I performed on the BB this year, which I understand. But I want to clear things up, without anyone taking offense to what I'm bluntly going to say, so take it how ya want. I have a 1.5 HDCP from the Men's Tees. I was playing on a wrist injury from summer of '07 (as TGC knew) & am still injured & starting rehab for my wrist. It's tough enough to compete on the BB, & even Tougher to play on an injured wrist, especially knowing that I was the least experienced golfer with my background. I performed poorly the first episode, I do admit I was overwhelmed at first & couldn't perform well, especially after accidently ripping out my Neck piercing (dermal anchor) at 4am before the challenges, so my head was definitely somewhere else. The "cleavage" BS... hahaha... I am not your "typical conservative golfer" & would Hate to be one. I am a rocker wild girl to the core. Nuff said with that. I was the ONLY girl who DID NOT CRY on the show, just to clarify. I was shaking, often, due to adrenaline & wonderin' if I was able to perform with my wrist on short shots. I must say that I had an amazing time, & look forward to getting back into tournaments & the like. I love golf & before I injured my wrist, I was playing the best I have ever played: scores of 67-73. I've been workin' hard as a CEO asst & in charge of International Expansion for an international natural products company, so golfing comes second right now. I will be on tour someday soon, & can't wait to be competing with these awesomely great players once again :)
Love to all!
Rock Hard. Roll On.
Thanks Cirbie!