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July 02, 2008


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I think I commented here recently that putting could be Lori's downfall. More than a month ago I realized Lori was considered one of the top two favorites but we really hadn't seen her putt often, and the few examples weren't stellar. She blew the short birdie putt past the hole on the high side in the Brittany/Brittany episode, then the 3 footer a few weeks ago was wide right a la FSU.

Still, I'd prefer Lori to be in the final. She was a central focus throughout and I always like the combatants who carried the weight of battle all season to deservedly make it to the final act. Sophie more or less showed up at the quarter pole, like Rosie Ruiz. That's probably unfair but it allowed an obscure reference. :)

Best of luck to Lori. I enjoyed reading her blog on TGC, a gutsy maneuver which required commitment. None of the other players blogged there. In this week's version Lori says she's been stunned at the negative reaction.

I'm still laughing at the producer's blog. He wrote he was dropping F-bombs when Lori was ruining the suspense of this episode via the 3 putts. Meanwhile, he already wrote the Kim/Sophie matchup of last week produced the best golf of the series, so anyone who read his own column was prepared for lesser quality golf this time, and presumably next week as well. Are we supposed to pay attention, or not?

Anyway, based on some forums I sampled tonight, plenty of viewers were thrilled Lori imploded her way off the show. I wasn't among them, but perhaps the producer didn't grasp he had a gem of a different type.

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